Tips and Resources For Scholarship Search

[vc_text_element css_animation=""]Over the past several decades, tuition costs for four-year colleges and universities have outpaced wage growth and inflation. Beyond classroom learning itself, associated costs like room & board, books/lab materials, transportation, and other fees can make what seems like a reasonable price tag suddenly balloon—and every family has heard horror stories about the student… Continue reading Tips and Resources For Scholarship Search

Starting The College Search Process

[vc_text_element css_animation=""]There are more than 5,300 colleges and universities in the US alone. That jaw-dropping number can make what’s already an intimidating process even more daunting.  …. Not to mention, you’ve got an opinionated (and likely overwhelmed) teenager to contend with.  So, how do you begin to narrow down your search? See our tips and… Continue reading Starting The College Search Process